Prolystica® Ultra Concentrate HP Alkaline Detergent

* Improves lipid cleaning, especially on orthopedic surgical instruments
* Defoams protein soils to maximize cleaning of your washer/disinfector or an ultrasonic cleaner
* Safe alkalinity levels provide broad-spectrum substrate compatibility, including select soft metals

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Prolystica Ultra Concentrate HP is a class of premium ultra-concentrate cleaning chemistries formulated specifically for the use in automated washer/disinfector and ultrasonic cleaners. Formulated specifically to clean heavily soiled orthopedic instruments, this high-performance alkaline cleaner helps to mitigate medical device damage caused by repeated exposure to water and soils.

How Prolystica Ultra Concentrate HP Alkaline Detergent Works

With the ability to clean blood, fat, mucus and other soils, there is an advantage in cleaning, performance and savings when using Prolystica Ultra Concentrate HP Alkaline Detergent. Safe alkalinity levels provide broad spectrum substrate compatibility, including select soft metals. When used according to label directions, this instrument cleaning chemistry is also safe for use on aluminum tray systems.

Prolystica Ultra Concentrate HP Alkaline Detergent is for use in automated washer/disinfectors.

Why Prolystica Ultra Concentrate HP Alkaline Detergent?

  • Ultimate Cleaning – Provides ultimate results for lipid cleaning, which is critical for orthopedic surgical instruments.
  • Ultimate Performance – Designed to optimize recirculation pump pressure of your washer/disinfector by defoaming protein soils.
  • Ultimate Savings – Saves on surgical instruments, maintenance, and utilities.


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